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Printed promo products at Sheremetyevo airport

Printed promo products

  • Common halls
  • VIP
Terminal / Hall amount of racks
Terminal D
Common departure hall (domestic)
Terminal D
Waiting hall (domestic)
Terminal D
Common departure hall (international)
Terminal D
Duty Free zone
Sheremetyevo F
Duty Free zone
Sheremetyevo F
Departure hall
Terminal D
Welcome racks (international zone)
Sheremetyevo E и F
Welcome racks (international zone)

Варианты размещения печатной продукции: общие стойки, индивидуальная стойка, столики. Распространение на столиках возможно только вместе с размещением на общей или индивидуальной стойке. Отдельно столики не продаются. Вся печатная продукция обязательно подлежит согласованию.

Airport Area amount of racks Edition / month
Sheremetyevo F Departure VIP hall (international) 1 400
Sheremetyevo E Departure VIP hall / arrival (international) 1 350
Terminal D Departure VIP hall / Arrival (domestic) 1 400
Terminal D Departure VIP hall / arrival (international) 1 400
Business terminals
Sheremetyevo А Business terminals 1 300
Sheremetyevo Premier Avia 2 300
Business class cabin
Sheremetyevo F "Zvezdnyi" cabin (int) 1 350
Sheremetyevo F "Classic" cabin (int.) 1 350
Terminal D CIP "Baikal" business hall (int./dom.) 1 200
Terminal D "Matreshka" business hall (int./dom.) 1 400
Terminal D "Gallereya" business hall (int.) 1 300
Sheremetyevo С "Persei" business hall 1 300
Terminal D Aeroflot & Sky Team business halls "Blues" и "Jazz", dpt (int.) 2 3 000
Sheremetyevo Е "Galaktika" cabin (int.) 1 400
Sheremetyevo Е "Kosmos" cabin (int.) 1 400
Шереметьево Е Mastercard cabin (int.) - 400
Hall of Officials and Delegations
Sheremetyevo F Hall of Officials and Delegations 2 250

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