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Soon! The opening of the exhibition “Astana Expo 2017”

International exhibition “Astana Expo 2017” scheduled to take place between June 10 and September 10, 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan. On May 2017 Avia Adv continues to place advertising in the biggest airports of Europe and Asia – Frankfurt-on-Maine, Amsterdam and Dubai

May 2017. Advertising of EXPO-2017 Astana in internationals airports

Germany, Frankfurt airport:

Lightbox in Terminal 1.
Size: 5556 × 1278.

Netherlands, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol:

Lightboxes in lounge zone, departure hall.
Size: 2,5 × 2,6 m.

UAE, Dubai airports:

9 lightboxes in Terminal 1.
Size: 3395 × 1815 m, 6905 × 2455 m, 7900 × 1815 m, 8905 × 1405 m, 7905 × 1405 m.

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